
“Dryden! Dryden!” I called out when I couldn’t see him behind me.
I was running as I always did, too fast for someone to catch up. I looked around in panic. Have I lost him? Did he get hurt?
As if answering my question a voice answered back, “It’s a bit difficult to kill me. Keep running, don’t wait up for me.”
Dryden was safe; I breathed a sigh of relief.
I was getting out of town now, but the trees seem to be experienced ball throwers. They could throw quiet far and a ball came after me every minute. I was running out of breath now, gasping for air. And no matter how strong my leg felt, my body was responding to my running.
“What? Why have you stopped? You are an amazing runner. How come you can run so fast?” Dryden said catching up with me as I stopped.
“We can’t run like this. These trees can hurt the town’s people, and what if they can follow us, I mean there balls can follow us as long as we run, maybe there are more trees like these, we have to destroy them.” I said raggedly, my throat dry.
“Umm…Yeah! You are right. But wait…what part of the fact that they are indestructible you didn’t understand?” He said sarcasm in his voice.
I jumped back as another fire ball hit the ground. And naturally I hurt myself. I fell with too much force on my back and elbows, thankfully my head was fine. I yelped in pain as fire burned around me.
“Let’s go we have to call for help!”Dryden tried lifting me up, I restrained.
“No, I said I hate this town. But I can’t let it be destroyed, specially the cemetery. I have my family and home here. My everything is here.” I said, pleading him with eyes.
He groaned, “What do you suggest then?”
“We call Iraftar. He gave me the ring for a reason. Maybe he can stop his minions if we call him and request him?” I said, nervous about Dryden’s reaction.
“Have you lost your mind completely? Calling Prince of Wrath deliberately; is like feeling suicidal. Don’t you remember last time he was there, you felt like your blood will boil out of your veins? No, I don’t agree.” He said and his eyes widened as another fire ball hit near them.
“Do you have a better plan then?” I asked, hoping he would refuse.
He stayed silent and I got my chance.
“So that is the only way. You can’t call for help and we have no other way to stop these fire spitting trees.  I am calling Iraftar.” I said, trying to sound final and determined.
“Why you are so eager to meet him, huh?” Dryden suddenly asked.
“What?” I was surprised at his abrupt question.
“You heard me. Did you really like him that much?” He asked sounding really annoyed.
“Now are you out of your mind? I just need help.” I said getting angry at his misplaced jealousy.
“Fine! Go on then. Call Prince of Wrath for help. This will be a first.” He said, reluctantly.
I carefully held the ring and closed my eyes, concentrating on picturing his face in my mind. It was easy. His amber eyes, bronze hair, long handsome face.
“Finally! You called and I am here,” My eyes shot open at his familiar voice.
“You knew how to use this ring?” Dryden asked looking at me with a weird suspicious expression.
I immediately felt uncomfortable and kind of guilty.
“Am I called here to witness your trivial argument? Are you two love birds fighting already?” Iraftar said coming closer to us.
On his arrival, the fire balls stopped.
“No-no. I mean we-I called you here,” I corrected myself when I saw Dryden glaring at me with his sharp blue eyes.
“I called you here to help. What do you want from me and please stop destroying my town” I said desperation clear in my voice.
I dared not look at Dryden, I was afraid I might see strong disapproval in his eyes.
“About the town, didn’t you hate this town?”Iraftar asked with a innocent look, if you could give one with amber eyes.
“Who-who told you that?” I asked stunned.
“I have my spies!” And winked.
“Will you help then?” I just wanted an answer.
“Come with me and I will not hurt a fly!” He said as if this was the solution.
For a moment I thought he will say ‘kidding’. But he was serious.
“So that you can kill me like you did to my family?” I asked getting annoyed at him and myself. His presence was showing its affect.
Now he genuinely seemed surprised.
“Love, I haven’t hurt your family. Why would I do that?” He said.
I was taken aback. My one suspect was refusing to be the killer.
“Just so you know I don’t trust you. So why do you want me to come with you?” I asked, worried now.
“Oh! Haven’t you two been discussing about that?” he asked, grinning wickedly now.
Dryden and I looked at each other, clueless.
“And Dryden I really don’t want other good looking men around my fiancé. I want to take you with me as my bride!” he said, almost threatening Dryden and proposing me at same time.
I was angry, shocked, revolted and scared all at same time.
How can I, how can anyone marry someone called Prince of Wrath?
16 months earlier:
“But I am the most powerful!”, Iraftar yelled at his soldiers.
“We know you are sire, but others have destroyed all of our kingdom.” One of his soldiers said.
Iraftar, Devil’s first warrior. He was human kinds worst weakness. Something that no one can control or deny. Something that can destroy you. He felt that he was above all others, all the other minor sins. But now war was proving otherwise.
“I need to talk to Devil”, Iraftar informed his messenger, who flinched at his sight.
“As you wish , my lord!” And he vanished into thin air.
He was cool himself, but the people around him were getting angrier with every minute. His bad mood was affecting their anger.
“Are we going to die this time?” Thumosin, his sister asked.
“No, my dear sister. Anger never dies, never.” He laughed a hysterical laugh.
“It seems otherwise right now” she said, glaring at her brother.
“Go now. Rest in your chambers. The war will finish in few hours. Greed will not win over anger.”He said his voice full of confidence, his amber eyes burned like fire.
She went away grumbling something, her red hair swinging behind her back.
“Devil will see you now!” His messenger returned, with a sweating face.
“You know you talk nonsense, Iraftar. I can’t help or favour one of my children, can I? I love you all equally.” Devil said, from behind the veil
Iraftar has never seen his father, or so he called himself. He was available once in a million years, always behind the veil. His dark looming shadow emitted such a dark and depressing feeling that even anger, he recoiled as he spoke. He was afraid of even his shadow and dreaded the day when he will walk out from behind the veil. But right now, when he was losing everything, he couldn’t keep quite.
So mustering all his courage he yelled, “Love? You know nothing of that. We are more of a slave to you than your children. What brother sister destroys each other like we are? And I heard you support pride above others? Why is that?”
There was a moment of dangerous silence; the two fire torches that lit around went dim.
Iraftar shivered.
“You dare not speak to me like this! I am your king, you father. And I will do what I want. Go now. You need a flower of wrath. Visit the cave of prophets; ask them about your future. I will help you no more. Leave now and don’t show me your filthy face for sometime or else you might see my wrath.” Devil’s ice-cold voice vibrated through Iraftar’s spine as he spun around to leave.
Only if he had enough power to destroy everyone, every other sin and can be the most powerful of them all.
Iraftar fled with his followers in hiding as he saw his sister’s throat being slit right in front of his eyes. He had to regain his kingdom back, his glory back. And now his destination was Cave of Prophets. The only place where he can seek some answers.
Iraftar had only few men, around fifteen soldiers left. His second in command, Orgios sat next to him as he sat under a tree.
“I am hoping you know the location of this Cave?” Orgios asked gently.
“I have some idea. But exact location I don’t know. I just want to know if I will survive or not.” He answered.
“We survive on people’s anger. You know that, and fifteen of us are enough to cause anger and be powerful again. Built a new kingdom again.” Orgios said.
Iraftar noticed his men around. No, they were not men, they were those men whom anger consumed and now they were nothing but flames in shape of human. So was Orgios and so was his every soldier. He being the Prince was gifted with a human face.
“Go on then. You all go an make anger people’s priority right now. I will join you after I visit the Caves.” He said, determined to visit that location.
“Are you sure, Sire?” Orgios asked.
“I have never been surer!” He said and walked away from Orgios and rest of his men.
He has never felt this way, so helpless and desperate. He is the Prince of Wrath, of anger. Devil said, this emotion is above all in humans, he can’t  fade that easily. But right now, he was . He stumbled his way to a cave, dark from distance but as you walk closer, it lit up. A pinkish hue emitted from the entrance. A warm air was coming from the cave. It was between nowhere of the forest, the cave. Only if you are really here to find it, you will see it.
A young girl, about fourteen emerged from the cave. She wore a long sparkling black skirt and a similar black top. Her blonde hair hung behind her back open and unkempt. Her fathomless blue eyes look old and experienced as if the girl was too grown for her age.
“What to do you seek, Prince of Wrath?” She asked, too deep and calm for her age.
“I am looking for Prophets who tell future. I want to know about my future.” He said, clearly and with full confidence.
“But you have to pay a price before you ask anything” she said nonchalantly.
“What price? I have no money or jewels left right now” He said.
“No, no we don’t desire any money or jewel. We require something far more important. We require the golden string of Devil” She said.
The golden string of Devil maximizes the power of each sin. As far as Iraftar knew, he and pride were the only one with it. He can’t give it away!
“Ask me anything else, my blood, maybe?” he asked hopefully.
“No, once the price is decided, it is final” Girl said seriously.
“The string is all I have!”Iraftar said, feeling his rage burn inside him.
“Then you can leave prince!”, she said, anger unaffected on her.
“B-But! I came here for nothing. I have lost everything.Atleast tell me what my future holds.” Iraftar said, almost pleading.
“We are not responsible of what you lost. We can tell you future. But you must pay the price” She turned her back towards him now.
Iraftar was losing time and his cool. Father had known he will lose his golden string, he sent him here on purpose.
“Decide fast Prince,power or future?”The girl said.
She was going inside, her form mingling in darkness and Irafatr had to choose fast.
“Wait. Future, I chose future. I am ready to pay any price.” He finally said.
A knowing smile crept on girl’s face.
“Then you are Welcome inside Prince of Wrath!”
“I am not going to marry you!” I said , more of yelled.
“Then its your decision , you really want not to marry me or really want this town destroyed.” He said, amusement clear in his dangerous voice.
I looked at Dryden, who looked stunned and annoyed.
“You can’t force her into this. It’s about marriage, her life. She will marry whom she loves.” Dryden said, moving forward as if to fight.
“And you wish it was you, don’t you warrior boy?” Iraftar said.
Surprised and somewhat pleased I looked at Dryden. He was avoiding my gaze.
“Make your decision quick! You and I both have no time.” He said.
I gulped down my fear and my confusion. And looked around me, the graveyard was half burned. I didn’t even knew if my family’s grave was left. I didn’t knew what harm his minions can bring to the town, to Greta, to Alec. I can’t cause any more deaths, can’t let it happen because of me.
With no choice left I gave an  apologetic look towards Dryden and he looked at me shocked and hurt.
“Ok! I am ready to go with you.”
And I immeditely regretted my decision, as Iraftar’s eyes flamed red and a smile spread on his face.


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